Wednesday 16 March 2011

One day I'll shove this little piece of Blackpool rock right where....

++    Adored by millions, but George Formby's buck-toothed smile hid a life of misery at the hands of his frigid, domineering wife  ++ 

50 years ago this month the late great yet slightly scary George Formby strummed his Ukulele for the last time.  What better way to mark this than for the DM to celebrate his life by having a pop at his missus for being a cow or something.
" The truth was that, for almost 40 years, Formby was locked in an unhappy marriage to Beryl, who ruled him with a rod of iron. A tyrannical, domineering woman, Beryl was not just his spouse but also his manager. Through her vicious tongue, icy glares and savage willpower, she terrified George.

She would not let him have a drink in a pub or go out for dinner with male friends. She governed all the finances and gave him just five shillings (25p) a week pocket money. "

+ Paul from Barnstaple has the right sort of idea;  "Great entertainer, and inventor, I love our George Formby grill."

+ Creepy from Crawley has taken his research from a definitive source before commenting;  "It's always been well known that his wife was Hitler in Knickers. There was even a scene in "Goodnight Sweetheart" all about it."

Not wishing to disrespect the buck-toothed loon, but you can get it straight from the horses mouth here:

Thanks to GG for finding this gem!
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